
Magic boards: 1964 10'6" Jacobs Lance Carson Model - 5'7" Albatross Ancient Mariner model - 6'9" Albatross The Mookie model - 8'4" Gene Cooper/Lance Carson V-bottom.
Learned to surf: My Grandma was loud and my Dad was shy. She chatted up Miki Dora at Malibu one day and rented a board from him for my Dad to learn to surf. Knowing who Miki was, my Dad was a bit embarrassed. That is where it all started. Malibu is where he taught my brother and I how to surf. I don't recall having much of an option, it was just kind of what we did. I suppose that wasn't too bad an option. One time when I was 10 years old, I wore high top converse in the water as my booties with a bright green O'Neill shorty wetsuit on a bright green Hobie shortboard I got for Christmas. Didn't even get my hair wet and I thought that was pretty rad.
Favorite Author: Hemingway
Best Travel: California coastline is pretty amazing. Mexico has a nice colorful feel. Snow/Mountains always provide.
Fins: I love the speed and drive of quads. I love the freedom of twin fins. I love the authority of a single fin log.
Surf Heros: Tom Curren, Lance Carson, & my Dad.
Shaping Inspiration: Lance Carson, Gene Cooper, Ray Lucke, Chris Samienego, & Robert Weiner
Why Albatross? My Mom is an avid bird watcher; I kind of just inherited a curiosity with birds and flight. I remember studying the poem Rime of the Ancient Mariner and taking an interest in the mystique of the Albatross; symbolizing a good omen and later cursing the hapless sailors. It felt like a seamless fitting name for the boards. They're also a beautiful seabird. I like that.